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Friday, November 4, 2011

2 Weeks to Snow

With still 2 weeks to the start of Cory's ski season, he continues to work hard at dryland training - though on this day we joked that it was more like wetland training.

And from this video of him doing wall jumps, it certainly appears that he has increased his leg strength...he easily and quickly gets 20 of them done....

And he's definitely improved his upper body position on Cone Hops, which is a good drill for slalom skiing. Slalom is very different from Giant Slalom and Super Giant Slalom in terms of body position. This is helping Cory understand that in slalom it's all about swinging the legs out in a pendulum style, while keeping the upper body still, as he does very well here. GS and Super G is more about a dynamic body dropping power and strength into the skis for clean carving and aerodynamics.

Those 2 exercises combined with the tortuous leg blasters really appear to be making a difference. In 2 weeks time, we'll see for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your work on this web page. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.